
Showing posts from August, 2019

How I cleared up my skin (acne and dark spots)

HI! I never thought this day would come but here I am posting how my face used to look and I always caked on makeup to cover it up but it's been about 4 years since then. I never really took pictures because of how ashamed I was, I still breakout time to time but just a pimple or two not like before.  First things to do are to take care of your health because to heal acne, what we put inside our body is usually the culprit. 1. I don't eat meat/chicken but seafood from time to time I do.  2. I drink water now I rarely drank water!!!!!!!! I still don't drink plain water I always put lemons or cucumbers in it.  3. I avoid dairy when I can because I will definitely breakout. 4. Also no super greasy foods/food with too much sugar only on rare occasions. 5. Probiotics helped me for sure! 6. Don't use ANY facial brush no matter how gentle on active acne as it will just aggravate and even spread the germs to the rest of your face! 7. Don't over-exfoliate 8. Don&#