Back to School 2017 Clear Skin Tips (Cruelty Free and Drugstore)

Back to School 
Clear Skin Tips
By: Paula M.

1. Rest! 

-At least 6-7 hours but ideal is 8

-Don't nap right after school, instead snack a little and then proceed to doing hw or prepare for the next day to make it easier for the morning (like preparing your cucumber waters!)

2. Water....Hydrate Yourself!

-This is where that cucumber water comes into play, I don't like water so much so I used those mio flavors but they just didn't taste good sometimes and I loveeee cucumbers!

-Remember 8 glasses of water a day is ideal about 64 fl oz BUT we're not the same and don't do the same things, some of us are in sports or do a lot of walking and lose more electrolytes than others so listen to your body if you're thirsty instead of juice or gatorade opt for that refreshing cucumber water! 

-There are a lot of fruit variations for water but I was so lazy cucumber water did the trick for me and lemon water as well!


It supports healthy skin. Cucumber water can help soothe your skin from the inside out. Staying hydrated helps your body to flush out toxins and maintain a healthy complexion. Cucumbers are also high in pantothenic acid or vitamin B-5, which has been used to treat acne.Aug 3, 2015

3. Avoid Dairy and the obvious...Junk Food

-Milk, cheese, sugar, chips.. you all know this (some are not as affected with the dairy but most are, as soon as I had less my acne calmed down SIGNIFICANTLY! drink water or juice instead! Especially in high school all we had was milk!) 
Image result for avoid dairy
-It's not bad to have once in a while but daily?!

4. Hygiene

-Wash your face morning AND night! (I used to just splash water and have those white heads....NO BUENO)
Image result for face washing

-Use paper towel or tissue to blot face NOT rub to dry to avoid putting bodily bacteria from your body towel to your face

-Wash makeup brushes ONCE A WEEK and lay flat over night Sunday noon or afternoon then they'll be ready for Monday or worse comes to worse if they are still a bit damp blow dry them a bit! But more than overnight is best

Learn from this! TRUE STORY on Yahoo I ran into today she got staph from not cleaning her makeup brushes

-Wash bed sheets and towels once a week, all our dead skin cells are in those you don't want to be laying in filth for weeks!

5. Simple Skincare

-Waterproof eye makeup remover (Wet n Wild Micellar Eye Makeup Remover in pink bottle)
blog about it:

-Face wash (Cerave foaming facial cleanser)
WASH FACE TWICE, once to remove face makeup and sunscreen (leaving these will definitely break you out and second to remove more dirt, oil etc
-Exfoliate using buff pads, target has them in a pack ($1.99) or they come solo as well at walmart and only gently use them twice a week or when heavy makeup is worn

Facial Buff Sponges - 12ct - up & up™
-Tone only if you use a bar soap that unbalances your PH the cerave cleanser doesn't do so

-Moisturize day and nigh (Cerave day and night moisturizer, USE FACIAL MOISTURIZER there's a cerave in tub and just plain moisturizer those are for the BODY and NOT the face! they are too thick and will cause white heads...I've made this mistake!!!)

-Sunscreen!!!!! it will help acne scars heal faster and prevent sun spots and wrinkles (Bare Republic Mineral Face lotion SPF 30)
blog about it:


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